
Whats is Laminitis?

Laminitis is a disease when the tissues of the horses hoof inflame. Laminitis can also tear the support structure of the hoof. It can effect any horse at anytime.

What it is caused by?

Laminitis is caused by overeating, a concussion from riding on hard surfaces, and putting to much weight on on one leg. It can also be caused by stress from a long distance ride in a trailer.

Preventing Laminitis

You can prevent laminitis in many ways. The first being that you can limit your horse`s time in the pasture. You also don’t want to feed the horses to much grain, or feed them the really green grass that grows everywhere in the spring and fall. Also, you want to feed on a schedule, feed according to work level, get regular hoof trimming, let your horse be turned out in sand arenas, only walk your horse on hard surfaces, and monitor your horse`s health.


If Your Horse Gets Laminitis and You Don`t Know What To Do

If you see that your horse has laminitis, here`s what you want to do:

1. Call the vet. Laminitis needs to be treated like an emergency.

2. Do not exercise the horse. If he is out in a pasture, put him in a stall with deep shavings. If the pasture/arena is a distance away from the barn, use a trailer to get him to the barn.

3. When the vet comes he will usually give your horse painkillers and a sedative to lie down. He will also give you a diet for your horse while he has laminitis. Usually, the diet the vet gives your horse is 1% of his body weight.

4. Make sure to give your horse/pony extra attention, and call if you see symptoms of founder.

Dealing with Cushing`s Disease

Cushing`s disease is an incurable disease which is caused by a tumor in the brain. This disease is found mostly in older horses, usually 19 years old. The signs of Cushing`s disease are a wavy coat that doesn’t shed in the summer, weight loss, and drowsiness.

There are a variety of tests to diagnose Cushing`s disease, but none are very sensitive the disease is just developing. Even though this disease is incurable, researchers have found was to slow the disease`s progress, also possibly avoiding a heavy laminitis episode.

While taking care of a Cushing`s horse, make sure to maintain its health by doing the following. Regular dental care to avoid gum disease and tooth loss is very important. Regular trimming and shoeing can help reduce your horse`s risk of laminitis. Lastly, daily grooming and regular coat clipping with help your horses coat and skin stay healthy.