Why Homework Is TOTALLY Annoying


First off before you read this just note that I am not off searching for trouble with every teacher in a 50 mile radius. I don`t believe in kids getting homework, but that doesn`t mean I`m the type of kid who blows it off every time something is assigned. I am not out to start a homework revolution, I just believe in the more important things in life.

The sun was shining and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. I happily looked at the tide charts and saw that the surf was perfect. Running to the garage to grab my skimboard, I asked my mom if she could give me a ride to the beach. When she told me I had to finish homework, I sadly put my skimboard back down. Dragging my feet, I walked back to my desk. Homework is annoying!

First off, homework makes learning NOT fun. After a long, never ending day of school, kids have even MORE work to do after school. With an average load of two to three hours of homework, kids turn into stress cases. Some grueling nights, I find myself staying up until 12:00 at night studying, AND working on projects. With each more boulder of work piled up even higher on my mountain of homework, I find myself looking less forward to the next day of school. Homework is like a dark storm cloud, hovering ominously over each kid’s head.

Secondly, homework keeps you from being a kid. The most important thing about childhood is having fun, not about having to worry about insurance, bills, and things like that. That’s an adults job. Kids should worry that their time as being carefree is fleeting fast, and they should NOT have to worry about that ginormous homework assignment due tomorrow. For instance, even as I am writing this, my family is having a great time watching the Olympics, but I am stuck doing my usual two and a half hours of homework. Homework is a drain; it sucks everything what matters most to you, like family time. And family is forever.

In conclusion,homework is an annoying, bag of stress just waiting to be opened. It makes learning not fun, and it takes your childhood away from you, and so many more reasons I could continue to rant on about. Homework is a threat to a kid’s whole life structure. Enjoy life and the short time you have of being carefree, because you will never know when the day will come when you are grown up. Kids who are in school just visit life sometimes, and then they have to stop to do homework or go to sleep early or get to school on time. You only live once, so enjoy life.


How to Speak Horse Post 2: What His Head Carriage Says

The horse`s head position and other movements can tell you a lot of  what is mood is and what he is thinking about.

  • Head Lowered: A lowered head means that this horse is relaxed and content with himself. Words of Advice: If his head is lowered in a stall or pasture this probably means that he is sleeping, so make sure that you make some noise when you are approaching him.


  • Head Held High: This horse is focused on something in the distance- he is most likely deciding wether to flee, investigate, or ignore it. Words of Advice: I this horse is being ridden by you, you must realize that he is not paying attention to you, and might spook or bolt. Make some noise to regain his attention. Another Thing to Look For: Also if you are riding him, this might mean he is in pain especially if he is pinning his ears or if he hollows his back. Carefully examine his tack for things that could hurt him, and if he still persists, call the vet immediately for back pain.


  • Snaking: Lowering his head, and waving it from side to side is an aggressive  act called snaking. If you see your horse doing this, be cautious. You need to find the solution to the problem, either by refocusing his attention, moving him out of the area, or just getting away from him.

How to Speak Horse Post 1: The Ears

Because people rely on verbal communication, people often focus on a horse`s vocalization to try to figure out what he is saying. But what most people don`t know is that horses mostly speak through body language, and this post is going to tell you exactly what a horse is saying (through his ears), just by looking at it.

The first nonverbal communication are the horses ears. Here are some different ear movements that will tell you exactly what he is thinking.

  • Ears are Forward: This horse is alert, paying attention, or is interested in what is going on in front of him.
  • Ears are Pinned Back: When his ears are pinned back close to his neck, this usually means that this horse is angry and about to bite and kick. Words of Advice: If you are riding, turn your horse in a tight circle in case he might try to buck. If you are riding in a group, this might just means that he would like to be leading the ride. If possible, lead him up to the front of the group.
  • Ears Turned Out to the Side: This horse is asleep or relaxed, and he might not be aware of what is going on around him. Words of Advice: Don`t march up and pat him for he might be startled and strike out. Instead, make some noise so that he can hear you approaching.
  • Turned Back (not pinned): If you horse`s ears are pointed back, this means that he is listening on something behind him-he may be deciding wether to run away and check out the sound.
  • Rapiddly Swiveling: Ears that are swiveling means that this horse is in a peak of anxiety or alertness. He may be trying to locate the source of a frightening sound or smell.